190 research outputs found


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    Anxiety about speaking English has received a lot of attention in recent years. The purpose of this study was to describe the factors that caused students' language anxiety and their strategies for reducing anxiety in speaking english at class. Participants in this study were 5 students’ English department in the second semester. The methods used in this study were descriptive and qualitative. Data were obtained from interviews and observations. The results show that EFL students in English Department of UIN Sumatera Utara, they feel anxiety in speaking English. Fear of speaking English is due to a number of factors, both internal and external. The first factor was the type of the task, fear of making mistakes, the role of the language teacher, self-perception and the last is the limited exposure to English. The finding of this study also revealed that there were some strategies they used to reduce anxiety. There are preparation before speaking English, positive thinking, and strategy they used was peer seeking


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    Abstract: This study aims to explain the Childfree Agreement in the Ulama Perspective of Medan City. According to the Islamic religion, marriage is something noble and sacred which is one of the muamalah which has the value of worshiping Allah and carrying out the sunnah of the Prophet. Childfree marriage, namely marriage with the husband and wife's agreement and agreement not to have children during the marriage. The method used in this research is normative legal research method. The formulation of the problem that will be discussed in the research, What is meant by Chlidfree, How is the Agreement of Ulama of Medan City towards Childfree. The results of the study note that childfree or childless marriage agreements are seen in the principles of Islamic symbols, until now there has been no argument against not having a child in marriage, but it is recommended by religion to have a child, in this regard the Medan city clerics took one of a source explaining about Childfree written by Sheikh Syauqi Ibrahim Alam from Dar Ifta Egypt, issued a fatwa number 4713, 5 February 2019 regarding the presence of offspring in the family. First, in Islam there is no statement in the Qur'an or Hadith that obliges husband and wife to have children. Second, there is an agreement between husband and wife not to have children. The reason is, being a parent is not a trivial thing, there is a big responsibility. Third, the unwillingness to have children, according to Sheikh Ibrahim Alam, is analogous to the case of azal or termination of intercourse before reaching an orgasm so that the husband's sperm comes out outside the wife's vaginal opening. the view of Medan city scholars is that it is permissible to practice Childfree, because until now there is no argument or one text (Al Ashlu) which clearly prohibits a husband and wife from not having a child and in Al ibahah that it is permissible for a husband and wife to choose between doing or not making an agreement to have children in marriage, and is only limited to a recommendation to have a child so that the case can be seen from Islamic law maslahah mursalah which means regardless or free from information indicating whether Childfree is permissible or not. marriages that practice Chlidfree do not have texts (Al Ibahah) or arguments that clearly prohibit not having a child in marriage, but what is recommended by religion to have a child.   Keywords : Childfree, Ulama's perspective, Marriage La


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    The economic growth of North Sumatra province in 2019 increased by 5.22 percent compared to the previous year. This increase was caused by several factors, namely investment, labor, government spending, economic growth, inflation and the labor force. Increased government spending will encourage economic growth. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency that in North Sumatra economic growth continues to increase despite declining government spending. This study aims to examine the factors that influence economic growth. The factors used are investment, labor, government expenditure, unemployment, inflation, and labor force. This sampling method uses saturated sampling technique. The total sample of 30 data for the period 1989 – 2017. Data analysis techniques use a quantitative approach. This study concluded that the variable labor and government expenditure significantly influence economic growth. And investment, unemployment, inflation, and labor force has not effect economic growth. North Sumatra government should increase promotion to attract investors and simplify business licensing administration

    The Advancement of Western Epistemology in Islamic Education

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    This article examines the development of Western Epistemology in the World of Islamic Education. The findings in this paper explain that: There are two conflicting methods in achieving knowledge, namely rational and empirical methods. Both are biased methods in Western epistemology. In fact, in real terms, both methods play an equal role in discovering knowledge. Therefore, science is now more empirical in nature, placing greater emphasis on experience, observation and research/experimental plus Descartes' ways of thinking. This combination of reason and empirical is called the scientific method. This method developed rapidly and colored Western or general epistemology

    Classification of Science in the Ihsha' Al-'Ulum (Encyclopedia of Science) Al-Farabi (870-950 AD)

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    The purpose of this writing is to find out the classification of knowledge in the Book of Ihsha' al-'Ulum Al-Farabi (870-950 AD). The study discussed how the classification of science in Al-Farabi's work. The method used is content analysis on a book written by Al-Farabi, namely Kitab Ihsha' al-'Ulum. The discussion of the book reveals that it does not state that there is a dichotomy of the sciences. Al-Farabi, only does division or classification of knowledge both ontology, epistemology and axiology. Al-Farabi, mentions various terms that are almost the same but semantically contain hierarchical meanings. The term is taqsim/aqsam or division, shinfun/ashnaf or part and juz'un/ajzaun or the smallest part. This illustrates that what al-Farabi did was collect and calculate (Ihsha') the diversity (ta'did) of knowledge in his time and then detail (tafsil) these sciences down to the smallest part so that the levels (maratib) of knowledge were known. Al-Farabi divides knowledge into two parts, namely: Theoretical Sciences (al-'Ulum al-Nadzoriyah), and Practical Sciences (al-'Ulum al-'Amaliyah wa al-Falsafatu al-Madaniyah). This division can be seen from the division of knowledge into five articles which describe these sciences into theoretical and practical terms and Practical Sciences (al-'Ulum al-'Amaliyah wa al-Falsafatu al-Madaniyah). This division can be seen from the division of knowledge into five articles which describe these sciences into theoretical and practical terms and Practical Sciences (al-'Ulum al-'Amaliyah wa al-Falsafatu al-Madaniyah). This division can be seen from the division of knowledge into five articles which describe these sciences into theoretical and practical terms

    Analisis Profesionalisme Kerja terhaap Tatakelola Keuangan Sekretariat Daerah Kota Medan

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    Professional arrangement of apparatus resources must be prioritized, because reforms in the field of government administration expect the presence of a government that is more qualified and capable of carrying out public service functions. The focus and hope is directed at the government apparatus, because the government apparatus is the provider of services for the community as well as the person in charge of the function of public services in Indonesia which directs its goals to public service, thinks about and seeks to achieve service goals for the entire community in various layers. This research was conducted as one of the outputs of the Field Practice Program (internship) which was carried out for one month at the Medan City Regional Secretariat Office. The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The type of data used in this study is primary data, which collects data by observing customers and directly interviewing employees of the Medan City Regional Secretariat. The results of this study are that even though they consist of different educational backgrounds, and in work positions that are not in accordance with their educational background, the work is still carried out properly according to their duties and functions and follows the basic accounting equation system as the basis for managing finances at the Secretariat. Medan City area

    Analisis Kepuasan Pelanggan Ompu Gende Coffee Medan

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    70Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Analisis Kepuasan Pelanggan Pada Pelanggan Ompu Gende Coffe Medan. Kepuasan pelanggan merupakan suatu tingkatan dimana kebutuhan, keinginan dan harapan dari pelanggan dapat terpenuhi yang akan mengakibatkan terjadinya pembelian ulang atau kesetiaan yang berlanjut. Faktor-faktor yang diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah Kualitas Pelayanan, Kualitas Produk, Harga, Faktor Situasi, Faktor Pribadi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pelanggan Ompu Gende Coffe Medan. Sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 100 orang. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan Teknik Accidental Sampling. Skala dalam penelitian ini disusun berdasarkan SkalaLikert. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Teknik Analisis IPA (Importance Performance Analysis). Hasil analisis data berdasarkan hasil Crosstab diketahui bahwa Faktor Pribadi 96%, Faktor Situasi 90%, Kualitas Produk 89%, Kualitas Pelayanan 85%, Harga 63%. Dari hasil prosentase masing-masing faktor, maka yang paling tinggi adalah faktor pribadi. Hasil lain yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini indeks kepuasan pelanggan adalah 4,01:5 x 100% = 80%. Nilai indeks kepuasan pelanggan keseluruhan sebesar 80%, ini berada pada rentang 61% – 80% dengan demikian indeks kepuasan pelanggan berdasarkan atribut faktor-faktor kepuasan pelanggan Ompu Gende Coffee Medan termasuk dalam kriteria puas atau tinggi. This study aims to determine the Customer Satisfaction Analysis of Ompu Gende Coffe Medan customers. Customer satisfaction is a level where the needs, wants and expectations of customers can be fulfilled which will result in repeat purchases or continued loyalty. The factors taken in this study are Service Quality, Product Quality, Price, Situation Factors, Personal Factors. The population in this study were the customers of Ompu Gende Coffe Medan. The sample of this research was 100 people. Sampling in this study was carried out using the Accidental Sampling Technique. The scale in this study is arranged based on the Likert Scale. The data analysis technique used in this study is the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) technique. The results of data analysis based on the results of Crosstab show that Personal Factors are 96%, Situation Factors are 90%, Product Quality is 89%, Service Quality is 85%, Prices are 63%. From the results of the percentage of each factor, the highest is the personal factor. Other results obtained from this study the customer satisfaction index is 4.01: 5 x 100% = 80%. The overall customer satisfaction index value is 80%, this is in the range of 61% - 80%, thus the customer satisfaction index based on the attributes of the customer satisfaction factors of Ompu Gende Coffee Medan is included in the criteria of satisfaction or high

    Pengaruh Pekerjaan, Pendidikan dan Pendapatan terhadap keputusan Masyarakat dalam Menggunakan Layanan Fintech Berbasis Online (Studi Kasus Masyarakat Kota Medan)

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      Perkembangan teknologi dan informasi yang begitu pesat telah dimanfaatkan oleh kalangan tertentu untuk menciptakan suatu inovasi teknologi baru khususnya pada bidang keuangan atau financial technology (fintech). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk pengaruh pekerjaan, pendidikan dan pendapatan baik secara parsial maupun secara simultan terhadap keputusan masyarakat dalam menggunakan layanan fintech berbasis online (pinjaman online) di Kota Medan. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kuantitatif yang bersifat asosiatif kausal dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak 50 masyarakat di Kota Medan yang menggunakan layanan fintech atau pinjaman online. Data penelitian dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner dengan skala Likert. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) pekerjaan secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan masyarakat dalam menggunakan layanan fintech berbasis online (pinjaman online) karena setiap pekerjaan seseorang akan mengarahkan pada kebutuhan mengkonsumsi; (2) pendidikan secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan masyarakat dalam menggunakan layanan fintech berbasis online (pinjaman online) karena semakin tinggi pendidikan seseorang maka semakin tinggi keputusan konsumen untuk  menggunakan pinjaman online; (3) pendapatan secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan masyarakat dalam menggunakan layanan fintech berbasis online (pinjaman online) karena pendapatan yang tinggi dapat meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat ataupun individu tersebut; dan (4) pekerjaan, pendidikan dan pendapatan secara bersama-sama (simultan) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan masyarakat dalam menggunakan layanan fintech berbasis online (pinjaman online); serta besarnya pengaruh variabel pekerjaan, pendidikan dan pendapatan secara simultan terhadap keputusan masyarakat dalam menggunakan layanan fintech berbasis online (pinjaman online) sebesar 92,5% sedangkan sisanya sebesar 7,5% dijelaskan oleh faktor atau variabel lain selain variabel yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini.     &nbsp

    Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Tanjung Morawa Menggunakan Model Servqual

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    ABSTRAKBPJS Ketenagakerjaan is one of the organizations that provides social security services for all workers in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to find out how good the quality of public services at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Tanjung Morawa uses the SERVQUAL (Service Quality) method which consists of five dimensions, namely the response dimension ( responsiveness), empathy (empathy), physical evidence (tangible), assurance (guarantee), and reliability (reliability). The research method uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type with data collection through interviews, observation and documentation. The results of the study show that the quality of service at the Tanjung Morawa Employment BPJS is in the good category. This can be seen from the good fulfillment of four of the five dimensions of SERVQUAL, namely the dimensions of tangible, reliability, assurance, and responsiveness. While on the dimension of empathy, the results of the study show that the fulfillment of this dimension is still not good.Keywords: Public services; Service quality; BPJS Ketenagakerjaa


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    This research aims to determine the effect of inquiry models on science process skills and students' critical thinking skills in thematic learning theme I Enimal dan Human Organs material in SD Negeri 050764 Gebang. The research method used is quasi experiment with a population consisting of 3 parallel classes. The sampling technique was carried out by sampling, where the VA class was as experimental class I, VB experiment II, and VC as controls. Data analysis techniques used Covariate Analysis (ANACOVA) with the help of SPSS 23.00 for windows application. Data collection techniques use multiple choice test forms and descriptions. The results of data analysis were that guided inquiry better then inquiry free modificate models and conventional: (1) students' science process skills taught by the guided inquiry model with an average of 87.62 were better than (2) the modified free inquiry model with an average of 85.95 and (3) conventional learning models with an average of 75.63. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model inkuiri terbimbing, inkuiri bebas termodifikasi dan konvensional terhadap keterampilan proses sains siswa pada pembelajaran tematik tema I materi Organ Gerak Hewan dan Manusia di SD Negeri 0050764 Gebang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi eksperiment dengan populasi terdiri dari 3 kelas paralel. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara sampling, dimana kelas VA sebagai kelas eksperimen I, VB eksperimen II, dan VC sebagai kontrol. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Analisis Kovariat (ANACOVA) dengan bantuan aplikasi SPSS 23.00 for windows. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen tes berbentuk pilihan berganda. Hasil analisis data diperoleh model inkuiri terbimbing lebih baik dari model inkuiri bebas termodifikasi dan model konvensional: (1) keterampilan proses sains siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan model inkuiri terbimbing dengan rata-rata 87,62 lebih baik dibandingkan dengan (2) model inkuiri bebas termodifikasi dengan rata-rata 85,95 dan (3) pembelajaran dengan model konvensional dengan rata-rata 75,63
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